Friday 1 February 2019

15 Homeless People Reportedly Frozen To Death In Chicago

15 Homeless People Reportedly Frozen To Death In Chicago

Chicago cold : Homeless People Reportedly Frozen To Death

It is deathly cold in Chicago right now and we mean that literally. According to multiple reports, at least 15 homeless people died over night in Chicago. They all froze to death.
Chicago is currently facing record cold weather. Last night, the temperature dropped to -18 degrees. And tonight, the temperature is expected to hit -22 degrees. 
As of this morning, temperatures at Chicago's O'Hare Airport were at -20 Wednesday morning. And wind chills are making those dangerous numbers feel even lower: the -30s, -40s, and -50s.

The National Weather Service in Chicago tweeted Tuesday night that the temperatures had already started dipping.

"Chicago officially fell below zero prior to 6 p.m. at O'Hare and it may not get back to zero until Thursday evening," it said.

Priestley Glacier, Antarctica, will have a Wednesday high temperature of 6 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 7 below zero. That's much warmer than Chicago - which isn't expected to get warmer than -10 degrees today.

The U.S. Postal Service and Amtrak suspended service, and schools in the Midwest closed through Thursday.

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