Friday 8 February 2019

"No matter what, you should never apologize to your child" Twitter user says and explains why

"No matter what, you should never apologize to your child" Twitter user says and explains why

"No matter what, you should never apologize to your child" Twitter user says and explains why
A Twitter user has started a debate on the social networking platform after she advised parents never to apologize to their children no matter what and gave reasons.
@YarKafanchan tweeted:

Once I spanked my kiddo so hard when he was 7 years old I think. I had to sit him down and apologize and promise never to do it again. There is no excuse for treating a child like that and I’m still sorry about it. I’m also working on not shouting. What is shouting for?

And @mbzorbi replied:

No matter should never apologize to your child... When you do, you gradually lose your accreditation for being a parent.. Let your actions speak so..  Try also to control your anger??? Correct them with love...

@mbzorbi added:

You human but you're the god they see and know... gods do not apologize. If you apologize today, apologize tomorrow...then they won't take you for your words! You might turn trash to them Actions speak louder. Well, we all have what we believe.

Below are the tweets and the debateabout parenting that followed.

"No matter what, you should never apologize to your child" Twitter user says and explains why

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